Preserving the History of Glengarry

Glengarry History is a new, image and organization continuing the tradition of its predecessor, the Glengarry Historical Society.  The Glengarry Historical Society was founded in 1959, and incorporated in 1962, with the following goals:

  •   To stimulate interest in local history among residents of the county by holding meetings with lectures, displays, papers and discussions.
  •   To discover and collect materials which will help to preserve and illustrate the history of the county.
  •   To provide for the preservation and display of such materials and for its accessibility, as far as may be feasible, to all who may wish to examine or study it.
  •   To promote the preservation and restoration of historical areas, buildings, monuments and markers in Glengarry county.

Glengarry History has been formed with these similar goals, but also with the intent of acting as a liaison and partnership group for other organizations active in the area of preserving the history of Glengarry.  While both the Nor’Westers and Loyalist Museum, and the Glengarry Pioneer Museum were originally conceived and operated as part of Glengarry History, they have recently been established as independent entities.   Glengarry History has become a partner in the establishment of the new Glengarry County Archive located in Alexandria.  The archives of Glengarry History have been placed on permanent loan in the GCA.   Efforts will be increased in the areas of new membership, membership retention and community outreach to make more of the local young people aware of the rich history of Glengarry.